New Color Schemes Made Easy (Better Homes and Gardens Home)

Category: Books,Crafts, Hobbies & Home,Home Improvement & Design

New Color Schemes Made Easy (Better Homes and Gardens Home) Details

About the Author The iconic BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS brand is one of America's most trusted sources for information on cooking, gardening, home improvement, home design, decorating, and crafting. Today, the brand encompasses books, magazines, and digital media. Read more


I am facing the daunting task of decorating an entire house, about 12 rooms, and this book is exactly what I need to help me choose color palettes (I felt completely lost in doing so on my own) and guide me in making big purchases. I'm not always crazy about the style of the rooms they show for each palette, but that doesn't really matter as the overall effect achieved is still present. The book is divided by color, so that you have about 5 palettes with yellow as a main focus, 5 with red, and so on. Each page has a decorated room with the palette and squares of the colors (so that you could take the book along shopping to match paint or anything). I initially got the book from the library and then bought it because I was using it so much.

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